Should Christians Observe Christmas? Part 1

Should Christians Observe Christmas? Part 1

Every year, the Christmas season and Christmas day is a great time in the minds of many people all over the world and great and adequate Preparations are being made to commemorate this season.In some cases, a good number of those who could not meet up financially goes beyond their limits to either borrow or to commit atrocities in order to “belong” with their contemporaries.

Also of importance to this subject is the fact that the world government has even declared 25th December as a global holiday and the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ.This day annually, comes with a lot of unscriptural fanfares and social frenzies attached to it all over the world.In fact, the Christmas season holiday has come to be the most important religious holiday around the world especially in the Christendom today.But what actually
is Christmas? Is Christmas a Bible word? Is it authorized for Christians? Is it from God or from man?

Today, many people are at the crossroad of religious beliefs and practices, no wonder Jeremiah urges all to, “…Ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls” (Jeremiah 6.16). Moses the Lord’s servant also warns that, “Do not follow the multitude to do evil…” (Exodus 23.2). But irrespective of these warnings, many people today have affirmed that, “We will not listen” (Jeremiah 6.16).It is a grave error not to listen to what God says and not to find out the truth which sets men free (John 8.32).

Christmas has an origin outside the scriptures, even though many religious leaders have sentimentalized the evils of Christmas, renamed it as the birthday of Christ and religionized its paganism, thereby misleading many people into error through their erroneous, unBiblical and unfounded teachings or messages, thereby making the Preachers of the truth to look both dogmatic and eccentric in their teachings.

As I introduce this subject today, I hope to subsequently discuss the origin of Christmas, human influence around Christmas and take a good look at Christmas in modern times. And lastly, I will plead with you to free your mind regarding whatever you have known or born to believe about Christmas, search the scripture and embrace God’s Truth that sets free.

May God help us to study together and may He give us the willingness to allow His Word to set us free in Jesus name.

Christmas time is always filled with fanfare and a lot of celebration.It is an annual event and celebration, a time when all imaginable evils are being perpetrated by the celebrants of Christmas in many places.But what do you really know about Christmas? What is your belief about it? Does what you know agrees or tallies with what the Holy Bible says? If it does not agree with the word of God or if you can’t find the word Christmas in the Bible, who then introduced it to the world? Who gave the world the idea of celebrating Christmas.If the idea of Christmas cannot be found in the Bible, then the celebration of Christmas cannot be of faith because, “Faith comes from hearing and hearing the Word of God”(Romans 10.17).

According to History, the origin of Christmas dates back to the third century. In the third century, some chronographers assumed that Christ was born and died on March 25th because, according to them, a new creation in the birth and death of Christ was typical of the creation of the world at the spring of equinox which by their reckoning was on March 25th (Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol.4, P. 603).

Others claim that the conception of Christ coincided with the beginning of the creation of the World which to them occurred on March 25th, therefore adding nine months, the birth of Christ was put at December 25th (Ibid, P.9).One would observe here that references boils down to history instead of the Holy Scripture.This means that events surrounding Christmas comes from the figments of human knowledge and imagination and not from God’s Word.Don’t forget forget that man cannot decide for God, but must obey whatever God says.

Lastly, as we can all evidently read, Christmas dates back to the third Century and not to the first Century where and when Jesus Christ lived and died.It is indeed a contradiction, illogical and foolish for one to date the birthday of Jesus Christ who lived in the first Century to the third Century.

This is what happens when teachings are false, unfounded, unBiblical and against logical reasoning.Christ was not born in the third Century and the Bible did not state the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ. Those who teach this error must stop and understand that what Christ says or Commands is that we remember His death when we eat “the Bread and drink of the fruit of the vine” (Matthew 26.26-30; 1 Corinthians 11.23-26) and not otherwise.

Let us not go beyond what is written because going beyond the doctrine of Christ means that we have no God ( 2 John 9) no matter how good or how interesting what the practice may be.May the Lord continue to enlighten our minds of understanding so that we will know the Truth that sets men free in Jesus mighty name.

“The Churches of Christ Salutes you” (Romans 16.16).

Click Here for Part 2

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